Craig Springs Camp Facilities

1 - Spring House
2 - Glasshouse
3 - Oak Lodge
4 - Garage
5 - Kitchen
6 - Dining Hall
7 - Central  (Office)
8 - Picnic Shelter
9 - Alleghany
9 - Charleston
10 - West Virginia
11 - Winn Cottage
12 - Miami
13 - Richmond
14 - Salem
15 - Brookside 1, 2, & 3
16 - Logan (Clinic)
17 - Bluefield
18 - Monroe
19 - Roanoke/Lynchburg
20 - Spring/Pump House
22 - Monte Vista Spring
23 - Clubhouse
24 - Golf Course Pond
26 - Ball Field
28 - Storage (Old PO)
29 - Potts Mtn Trail
30 - Westover Cottage
31 - Ball court
32 - Swimming Pool 

To access specific information concerning individual facilities you can select the facility in the menu, click on the relevant link on this page, or click on the facility on the above map.  All housing pages will include a building layout and a link to a Room Assignment Worksheet.  If you need information not included on these pages do not hesitate to email